Sober living homes bridge the gap between your stay at a residential treatment program and going back to your house. You may choose to go to a sober living home after you finish your first phase of treatment, or it may be an option if you feel like you are heading toward a relapse and cannot continue to stay in your current residence. Moving into a sober living home also helps people who have never lived on their own before transition toward independence if they are unable to return to where they lived before they sought treatment for addiction.

While there are a variety of reasons why you may choose this type of care, one of the biggest questions people ask is about what it is like to live in a residence where everyone is expected to adhere to rules pertaining to sobriety. Similar to college dorms, you can expect that each sober living house near Boston has its own specific set of rules and amenities. However, you can also expect to have some similar experiences at each one that are all meant to help you stay sober.

Continue Recovering in a Safe and Comfortable Environment

One of the biggest reasons why people go to a sober living house is to limit their exposure to temptation during recovery. These houses have strict rules about keeping drugs and alcohol off the property, and the residents are all expected to stay sober. Depending upon the house that you choose, there may also be additional security features such as cameras to track who comes in and out of the house.

The majority of sober living homes also cater to a specific gender, which means that you will live in an all women or men environment. However, you can also find mixed gender homes if this is your preference. You can also choose from facilities that offer private rooms, or you can share a room with a roommate to help make your stay more affordable.

Find New Friends That Understand Your Lifestyle

You can find all kinds of different people living in sober homes. Some of your housemates may be older than you while others will be younger. You will also discover that they come from all different walks of life, but you will all have a desire to stay sober in common. Living with people who value sobriety is refreshing after spending so long living with an addiction. With your housemates, you won’t have to explain why you can’t go out for drinks on the weekend or get high when you wake up. Instead, they’ll instantly understand that there are healthier ways to spend time together.

Your new sober housemates will always be up for a chat or a walk outside to help you manage your cravings. You’ll also find that they help you to discover new wholesome activities to fill your time. From bicycling to exploring the historical areas of Boston, you’ll be so busy having fun with your new housemates that you won’t have much time to think about your cravings. Often, the friendships that you make in a sober living house continue even after everyone moves out and forward with their lives.

stay at a sober living near boston

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

Receive Support That Keeps You Accountable

The biggest benefit of going to a sober living home in Boston is that you will have multiple sources of support that help you in your recovery. These types of support may include several or all of the following services.

  • Group meetings
  • Individual counseling
  • Job search assistance
  • Recreational activities such as a gym or swimming pool

Sober living homes tend to allow you to slowly earn privileges as you demonstrate your commitment to staying sober. For instance, you may be limited regarding the times that you can leave the house in the beginning. This gives you time to adjust to the program and avoid temptation during the first days out of rehab when you are the most vulnerable to relapse. While at the home, you will participate in counseling sessions and group meetings that help you become more stable. After this initial period has passed, you can then begin to do things such as search for a job or leave during the day as long as you are home by curfew. Keep in mind that sober living homes have varying levels regarding how strict the rules are, which allows you to choose a living environment that allows you to work and recovery comfortably until you are ready to live on your own.

Does a sober living home sound like what you need to continue your recovery? We can help you make arrangements for your stay.

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