If you have a loved one that is struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs, you may feel overwhelmed. This is especially true if they have participated in treatment in the past with no success or have attempted to recover on their own. However, it is important to keep in mind that addiction is a chronic disease. Like any other disease, it requires individualized care and ongoing maintenance to fully overcome. Long-term drug rehab offers many benefits to clients that outpatient programs lack. Discover more about it below to see if it could be good fit for your loved one. There are two main formats of rehabilitation used to treat addictions. They are inpatient and outpatient care. Inpatient rehabilitation, also known as residential rehab, is the most intensive option of the two. As a result, it is associated with the highest success rate. Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is more flexible but does not offer the full change of environment, supervision or services as inpatient care.

How Long Term Drug Rehab Works

Long-term rehabilitation generally occurs on an inpatient basis. This means that clients are required to temporarily relocate to a treatment center where they will receive services that are individualized to their unique needs. Most inpatient programs last less than 90 days after which clients are able to return home and apply what they have learned in their everyday lives. Some people choose to continue rehabilitation on an outpatient basis as part of an aftercare strategy to prevent relapse.

In some cases, an individual may require longer than 90 days in treatment. For these situations, long-term care is a good option to consider. This type of rehabilitation can last up to a year but generally spans six months. There are a few different phases to it, which consist of the following:

  • Detox
  • Counseling and activities
  • Aftercare

Phases of Long-Term Care

Detox is the first step in the recovery process. When it comes to long-term care, it typically occurs in a medical setting on-site. This eliminates the need to transition to a treatment center afterwards and allows clients to simply begin their treatment plan. During detox, harmful substances are safely released from the body in a controlled manner under the supervision of a doctor or nurse. This process can break the body’s reliance on alcohol and drugs but does not address the underlying emotional and behavioral factors surrounding addiction.

After detoxing, clients will be matched to the right services for their needs that they will actively participate in during their stay in rehabilitation. Therapy is at the core of treatment. Individual counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and group therapy are some of the most effective options available. Activities such as art, music and recreational opportunities also play a critical role in the recovery process. They enable clients to explore potential hobbies and develop a higher level of self care. Finally, aftercare support in the form of ongoing therapy and meetings with an addiction specialist begins when clients are discharged from residential treatment.

Who Can Benefit

Long-term treatment is designed for individuals who have struggled with addiction for a long period of time and who have not had success with less invasive options in the past. It is ideal for the treatment of multiple addictions, dual diagnosis, and anyone who has experienced relapse. This type of rehabilitation provides a complete change of environment in a peaceful setting where wellness is prioritized. As a result, clients often feel more motivated to maintain sobriety. In addition to this, the sheer length of treatment can eliminate lingering cravings and urges to use substances.

A major benefit to inpatient rehabilitation is the amount of supervision and support that participants receive. These factors virtually eliminate the risk for relapse during the treatment phase which makes it possible for clients to focus solely on recovery. Outpatient programs on the other hand are unable to provide 24/7 supervision. As a result, the risk for relapse is higher.

Choosing long-term rehab for your loved one offers many benefits over other treatment options. It provides more time for individuals to focus on their well-being as well as increased services and support. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day to assist you. Contact Woburn Addiction Treatment today.

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